About Us

B2B.TRADE is a wholesale trading platform that unites manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and wholesale buyers.

For 2023, more than 6 thousand suppliers and more than 33 thousand wholesale buyers are registered on the B2B.TRADE site. More than 100 thousand new users visit the B2B.TRADE platform every month. The most popular categories of products are presented on the platform: FMCG, goods for children, clothing, sports, auto products and much more. The company is constantly developing the functionality of the site, striving to provide participants in the wholesale market with the conveniences associated with retail marketplaces.

Also, since 2022, B2B.TRADE began to develop its own import and distribution. Now the company carries out full-cycle international transactions: search and purchase of original products of various categories abroad through a network of partner companies, import and logistics at the expense of its own foreign trade department, sales in the Russian Federation through direct contracts with large retailers, as well as through its own trading platform.
It is fundamentally important for the company to import only original goods and at the same time organize the import itself in compliance with all legal requirements, with the payment of all taxes and fees.